Baskets of food for sale at store
Author: Lilian Henglein & David Steets
Henglein and Steets
Photo size: 19.9 Mpixels (57 MB uncompressed) - 5300x3757 pixels (17.7x12.5 in / 44.9x31.8 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: africa, african, Afrika, afrikanisch, Basar, basket, Behaelter, container, culture, custom, day, destination, diversity, Diversität, draußen, Einzelhandel, Ernährung, exotic, exotisch, Ferien, food, Freizeit, gemischt, Gewuerz, keine Person, Koerbchen, Kultur, landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse, leisure, location, market, marokkanisch, Marokko, marrakech, Marrakesh, maßgefertigt, mellah, mellah district, middle eastern, Mittlerer Osten, mixed, moroccan, morocco, nobody, Nordafrika, north africa, north african, outdoors, produce, Reise, retail, seasoning, sell, spice, Stall, Standort, Tag, traditional, traditional culture, traditionell, transit, travel, travel destination, trip, typical, vacation, variety, vessel, Vielfalt, Wuerze