boy finding easter eggs
Author: Lilian Henglein & David Steets
Henglein and Steets
Model Release: Yes
Photo size: 18.7 Mpixels (53.6 MB uncompressed) - 5300x3533 pixels (17.7x11.8 in / 44.9x29.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: 10 bis 13 jaehrige, 10 to 13 years, 12 to 13 years, 4 to 5 years, 8-12, amerikanische Einstellung, amusement, anpflanzen, anticipation, assembling, Aufregung, basket, Befriedigung, Behaelter, bend, bending, bent, Beziehung, biegen, Biegung, bliss, blooming, blossom, Blume, Blumenmuster, blumig, Blüte, boy, brother, Bruder, bücken, caucasian ethnicity, celebrations, chiffre, child, childhood, color, companion, concentration, container, couple, crouching, culture, curiosity, curve, curvy, custom, day, discovery, draußen, drei Personen, easter, easter egg, egg, eggs, Ei, Eier, enjoyment, Ereignis, Erfüllung, Erwartung, Europa, europe, european, european ethnicity, Europäer, europäisch, event, excitement, expectations, expecting, facial expression, Familie, family, Farbe, feierlich, Feierlichkeit, Feierlichkeiten, female, festive, festivity, figure, finding, floral, floral pattern, flower, Form, formation, Freizeit, Freude, freundlich, Freundschaft, friendly, friendship, Froehlichkeit, front, front view, Frontalansicht, Fruehling, fulfillment, full length, fun, Ganzkoerperansicht, gather, gathered, gathering, Genuss, Geschwister, Gesichtsausdruck, girl, good mood, Gras, grass, group, group of people, Große Gruppe, Gute Laune, halten, happiness, hocken, holding, horizontal, image lighting, innocence, Intrige, intrigue, Jahreszeit, joy, Jugend, Jugendlichen, Jugendlicher, Junge, juvenile, Kind, Kindheit, kleine Menschengruppe, Koerbchen, Konzentration, Kultur, kurvenreich, kurvig, lad, large group of objects, leisure, Licht, light, location, lot, lächelnd, machen, maennlich, making, male, man-made pattern, maßgefertigt, mehrfarbig, Menge, Menschengruppe, multi colored, multicolor, Muster, Mädchen, naive, Natur, nature, Neugier, number three, numeral, Osterei, Ostern, outdoors, Paar, Partner, Partnerschaft, partnership, pattern, paying attention, people, Person europaeischer Abstammung, plant, plant species, plant type, pleasure, pre-adolescent child, preschooler, Querformat, relationship, religioese Feier, religious event, rounded, rund, satisfaction, schmunzeln, Schwester, season, Seitenansicht, shape, sibling, side view, sister, small group of people, smiling, smirking, Sonne, Sonnenlicht, Spaß, spring season, squatting, Standort, sun, sunlight, Synergie, synergy, Tag, taking, team, Teamarbeit, teamwork, three people, three quarter length, traditional, traditional culture, traditionell, trio, trust, typical, typography, Unschuld, vegetation, Vergnügen, Versammlung, Vertrauen, vessel, vibrant, view, view point, weiblich, weiss, western european, western european ethnicity, Westeuropäer, westeuropäisch, white, winding, young, youngster, youth, youthful, youths, Zahl drei