Doctor examining womans arms in office
Author: Lilian Henglein & David Steets
Henglein and Steets
Model Release: Yes
Property Release: Yes
Photo size: 22.3 Mpixels (63.9 MB uncompressed) - 5300x4212 pixels (17.7x14 in / 44.9x35.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: 25 bis 29 Jahre alt, 25 to 29 years, 50 bis 59 Jahre alt, 50 to 59 years, 55 bis 59 Jahre, 55 to 59 years, adult, aeltere Dame, aerztliche Behandlung, aerztliche Untersuchung, aging, altern, Arzt, Arztpraxis, aufblicken, Behandlung, Beruf, Brustbild, care, career, caucasian ethnicity, check, clinic, close, close-up, day, dehnen, Detail, diagnosis, doctor, doctors office, Drinnen, erreichen, Erwachsene, examination, examination room, facial expression, Faehigkeit, female, feminin, feminine, Frau, Fürsorge, gemeinsam, Gesichtsausdruck, gesundheitsbewusst, Großaufnahme, gucken, half length, halten, head and shoulders, headshot, healing, health, healthcare, heilend, holding, hospital, indoors, Jugendlichen, junge Erwachsene, junge Frau, Karriere, Kittel, Kopf und Schultern, Krankenpfleger, looking, looking after, looking away, looking up, lächelnd, mature adult, mature woman, medical, medical clothing, medical examination, medical treatment, medizinisch, nurse, occupation, older, patient, Person europaeischer Abstammung, physical therapist, Physiotherapie, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, Porträt, professional, reaching, recovering, rehabilitation, reifer Erwachsener, scrub, skill, smiling, stretching, support, surgical scrubs, Tag, Therapeut, Therapie, therapist, therapy, togetherness, treatment, trust, two people, Unterstuetzung, Untersuchung, Vertrauen, view, view point, wegschauen, weiblich, weiss, white, woman, young, young adult, young woman, zwei Personen